How to Turn a Gas Fireplace on and Off?
Most gas fireplaces require some kind of control to be able to turn on or off the flames. It may be a key, a wall switch, or a remote. Some newer models may even have a fan. If you own a fireplace, you will need to learn how to operate it. You should read your owner’s manual before you start. This can help you learn how to properly use the controls, which will save you time and money.
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To turn on your gas fireplace, you will first need to turn the main gas valve to off. Turning it off will save energy and prevent a potential gas leak. Then, you can close the emergency gas valve.
Once the main gas valve is closed, you can then turn on your pilot light. When you have turned on the pilot light, you need to hold it down for about 20-30 seconds. This will allow the pilot light to work, and it will also clear the pipeline of any air that might be present. Holding it down for longer than this will result in a less effective flame.
Next, you can begin adjusting the flames. For most fireplaces, you can adjust the height of the flame using the keys on the control panel. These can be found at the base of the unit or behind a metal grate. There are typically three settings, including High/Low, and a knob that looks like a small wheel that allows you to adjust the size of the flame. Repeat the process until you reach the desired effect.
Many modern gas fireplaces have a specialized control panel to control the standing pilot light. In these systems, the control knob has a red button near it. When you turn the knob to the on position, you should hear a click sound. With the red button depressed, you can press the ignition switch. This generates sparks until the pilot lights.
A control panel is often hidden behind the front screen of a gas fireplace. Depending on the model, this might be the only way to access the controls. If you cannot find it, you will have to remove the front screen. Alternatively, you can purchase a user manual from the manufacturer.
You can also adjust the height of the flame with a wall switch. Using the wall switch, you will need to turn the knob in a few directions. Generally, the more you turn, the larger the flame. After you have gotten the desired effect, you can return the control knob to its original position.
You can also change the settings on your thermostat. You may need to experiment with different settings to determine the best setting for your room. Remember, turning the flame too low can extinguish it with the gas still flowing. As a general rule, you should stop just short of the valve closing.
Before you begin experimenting with the different controls, you should ensure that you are wearing heat resistant gloves. Also, you should leave a window open to allow the room to vent.