How much does it cost to install a fireplace? 

Fireplaces are a popular addition to many homes, providing warmth, comfort, and ambiance. However, the cost of installing a fireplace can vary depending on the type of fireplace, the materials used, and the complexity of the installation. In this article, we will discuss the factors that affect the cost of installing a fireplace and provide a rough estimate of the cost. 

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Types of fireplaces. 

There are several types of fireplaces, each with different installation costs. The most common types of fireplaces are: 

  1. Wood-burning fireplaces – These fireplaces burn wood for fuel and require a chimney or flue to vent smoke and gases. 
  1. Gas fireplaces – These fireplaces use natural gas or propane as fuel and do not require a chimney or flue. Instead, they vent through a pipe that can be installed through a wall or roof. 
  1. Electric fireplaces – These fireplaces use electricity to create a flame-like effect and do not require a chimney or flue. They can be installed anywhere with a standard electrical outlet. 

Cost factors: 

The cost of installing a fireplace depends on several factors, including: 

  1. Type of fireplace – As mentioned earlier, the type of fireplace will affect the installation cost. 
  1. Materials – The materials used for the fireplace and the surrounding area will also impact the cost. For example, a stone or marble fireplace will cost more than a brick or metal one. 
  1. Labor – The complexity of the installation will also affect the cost. For example, if the fireplace needs to be installed in an existing chimney, the installation will be more complicated and more expensive. 
  1. Location – The cost of labor and materials can vary depending on the location of the home. 

Cost estimate: 

Based on these factors, the cost of installing a fireplace can range from $1,500 to $15,000 or more. Here is a rough estimate of the cost of installing each type of fireplace: 

  1. Wood-burning fireplace – The cost of installing a wood-burning fireplace can range from $3,000 to $10,000 or more. This includes the cost of the fireplace, the chimney or flue, and the installation. 
  1. Gas fireplace – The cost of installing a gas fireplace can range from $2,500 to $7,500 or more. This includes the cost of the fireplace, the venting system, and the installation. 
  1. Electric fireplace – The cost of installing an electric fireplace can range from $500 to $3,000 or more. This includes the cost of the fireplace and the installation. 

It’s important to keep in mind that these are rough estimates, and the actual cost can vary depending on the factors listed above. It’s always best to get a detailed quote from a licensed contractor before starting any fireplace installation project. 


Installing a fireplace can be a great addition to your home, but it’s important to consider the cost before starting the project. The cost of installing a fireplace will depend on several factors, including the type of fireplace, materials, labor, and location. A rough estimate of the cost of installing a fireplace can range from $1,500 to $15,000 or more. With the right planning and budgeting, you can enjoy the warmth and comfort of a fireplace in your home.