How to Operate a Gas Fireplace?
Gas fireplaces can be a great source of warmth and comfort. They do not require wood burning logs, but rather a gas tank that is filled with gas. The gas is then connected to the fireplace through a pipe. When a pilot light is lit, the gas will start flowing through the valve, resulting in a flame.
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Many modern gas fireplaces have a specialized control panel. This panel is hidden behind a decorative front screen. It allows you to turn the valve, light the pilot light, and adjust the flame height. In some cases, the control panel can be opened from the outside, but in most cases it is hidden inside the fireplace.
To operate the control panel, you may need to remove the screen. Most models have an access panel on the back of the fireplace. Once the screen is removed, you should be able to see the control knob. You will need to place the control knob into the pilot position and hold it there for at least 30 seconds to keep the flame alive. If you do not have a control panel, you can still operate the valve by turning the key. Some models also include a separate dial for the flame size.
The control knob is usually marked with the words Pilot, On, and Off. Turning it to the On position will light the pilot light and begin the flow of gas through the valve. Turning it to the Off position will stop the gas flow. Depending on the model, you will be able to turn the valve into a low or high flame.
Several gas fireplaces are now equipped with an electronic ignition wall switch. These switches are easy to use. You can activate the unit by pushing the button and then you can adjust the flame level with the lever. Using an electronic ignition is more effective and environmentally friendly than using a match.
Whether you choose an electric ignition or an old-fashioned match, the most important part of operating a gas fireplace is getting the pilot light lit. Depending on the model, you may need to press several times before it will light. Regardless, you should always check your owner’s manual before starting. Besides helping you to learn how to operate a gas fireplace, the owner’s manual contains useful information on the maintenance and repair of your fireplace.
The cost of running your gas fireplace will vary depending on how much heat you want and how much natural gas you are using. To get an idea of how much you will be spending, calculate the cost per therm of your fuel and multiply it by the number of hours you will be using the fireplace. For instance, if your fireplace uses 100,000 Btu a month, then the cost per therm will be about $1.63. During a power outage, the ignition will not work. However, resetting the circuit breaker will resolve the problem.