How to Repair Fireplace Flashing? 

If you notice your chimney is leaking water, it may be time to have your fireplace flashing repaired. This can prevent water from leaking into your home, causing damage to your roof and drywall. Chimneys are important safety features in your home, but leaks can occur due to a number of different reasons. 

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The best way to know whether you have a leak or not is to have a professional inspect your chimney. They will check the mortar, bricks, and the flashing to see if the flashing is still intact. A leaking chimney can cause a variety of structural and wood rot issues, and can cause moisture to enter your attic and ceiling. There are many signs you should look for when you notice your chimney is leaking, but the most obvious sign is the sound of dripping water. 

Other signs you can look for include soot accumulation, sparks, and mold growth. You can also check the roof for signs of water infiltration. Water can damage walls, drywall, and flooring, and can also create rot in your structural elements. It is a good idea to have your chimney inspected annually to keep the cost of repairs down. 

To repair a chimney flashing, you will need to remove the old caulking and hard roofing cement from the bricks. These materials can also be removed by using a hammer and chisel. Once the flashing is loosened, you will need to clean it. Scrape away any old caulking and roofing cement, and use a putty knife to smooth out the areas where the flashing is loose. 

After the old roofing cement has been cleaned off, the flashing should be reattached to the chimney with new roofing cement. This is done by placing four evenly spaced nails through the front edge of the flashing. Make sure to cover the exposed nail heads with fresh roofing cement. 

Depending on your local climate, you may need to replace your chimney flashing. In southern states, you may need to install a galvanized metal flashing to protect your home from rain. However, regardless of the material you use, the most important thing is to make sure your new flashing will stand the test of time. 

It is also a good idea to have your flashing repaired by a masonry expert. This type of a professional can tell you what is causing the issue and recommend a solution. For instance, if your flashing is rusting, it can be a sign that the material has broken down. 

When repairing your chimney, you will need to have a good eye for detail and a metal drill bit set. You will also need a masonry scraper and a masonry brush. Also, you will need a safety harness for your tools. 

Fortunately, repairing a chimney flashing is not difficult. It will take less time and money to repair than to have the flashing replaced. Just be sure to use a high-quality caulk to seal the new flashing.